New SOS feature in tracker management
More safety at sports events: with the SOS button on your Racemap GPS Tracker you activate an alert in Tracker Management.
SOS aeature integrated into Racemap Tracker Management
Safety is a selling point for race directors, especially for events in mountains or in remote areas. For organizers, it is getting more and more important to make participants and their families feel safe during a sports event. That way everybody really enjoys the adventure and will come back to next years event.
New SOS-Feature! The most interesting competitions are in remote nature. For those events, Racemap provides the SOS-Feature in combination with Racemap GPS Trackers. Pressing the SOS-Button, the athlete activates an alert in the Tracker Management:
- SOS-Tracker show as first in tracker list
- Alert pops up and needs to be confirmed, so you can't miss the important information when monitoring an event in a race office
- Location of specific tracker is displayed directly in the small map in tracker management
Racemap Tracker Management:
- Work fast, efficient and accurate with many GPS-Trackers.
- Combines features to easily manage many GPS-Trackers at once.